PP BABY X MONSTER Neon Color Daruma / 屁屁星球 x PP BABY


PP BABY, from a far away planet, has always been curious and amazed about Earth and its changes in seasons. Ding! In an instant, PP BABY representing different solar terms were born, forming a rainbow 🌈.

Each Daruma has different solar terms, composing poetic variations of the seasons, allowing you to experience the ever-changing atmosphere of all things. These beauties are gathered and presented to everyone who strives in life. The incarnations of solar term PP BABY let you gently carry a piece of scenery 🎐.

PP X MONSTER Neon Color Daruma Blind Box 💮.
Blind box styles: 6 basic styles + 2 small hidden styles + 1 large hidden style (6 in a box).
Original box: 1 BOX of 6, priced at HKD 510.

*The product may have slight differences from the actual item due to lighting, display screens, cameras, and other factors. Please refer to the actual product.
*This product is a designer product. Edge overflow, parting lines, minor packaging damage, and other small defects are within the normal range and will not be eligible for returns or exchanges. Please consider this before purchasing.
*Some bubbles may appear in this product, which is normal.
*The list of authorized retailers will be continuously updated. For stock availability, please contact the respective retailers or stay tuned for announcements (refer to the comments section for the list of retailers).


屁屁星球的PP BABY們, 總是抱著對地球的好奇, 季節的變化多端, 讓PP BABY們感到驚奇. 碰! 霎那間代表不同節氣的PP BABY們誕生了🌈

每款達摩均有不同的節氣, 譜寫季節的詩意變奏, 帶你體驗萬物變化的氣息, 把這些美好收集起來呈現給每位努力生活的人們, 化身成節氣的PP BABY們讓你輕輕地帶一片風景走㊗️


PP X MONSTER 霓彩達摩盲盒💮

盲盒款式: 6款基本款 + 2款小隱藏款 + 1款大隱藏款 (6入中盒)

原盒 1BOX6個 HKD510

*商品在燈光, 顯示螢幕, 相機等因素影響下, 會與實品有些微落差, 請以實品為主.

*此產品為設計師產品, 如有邊緣溢色, 分模線, 包裝些微磨損及其他微小瑕疵皆為正常範圍內, 將不予退換貨, 如可接受再購買.


*經銷店家名單將持續更新, 在店庫存可洽各店家或留意消息發佈 (店家名單請見留言區)